Important updates
Important updates image
juli 26, 2024

Important updates

Hello, Farlanders! ? We have some important updates for you.

? We value every player's opinion and appreciate your dedication to the Farland. Our development team is working to balance future events, making them less challenging so that you, our dear players, can enjoy them more.

? The team is developing a Third Main Location, which will be available to players by the end of the year. This new area will provide extra space for your adventures.

? Soon enough, the "Saga of Halvard" and "Octopus Defeaters" statues will be movable to Storage, freeing up valuable space on your locations without losing their benefits!

Thank you for being an incredible part of our community. Your support is invaluable to us. By the way, check the in-game news for a special bonus.

With love,

The Farland Team

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